It is with regret that CMS must reschedule the Open House from August 9th to August 14th from 5:30-7:00.  There was a roof leak that flooded both bathrooms and two classrooms on the 3rd floor.  We are in the process of replacing carpets and repairing the bathrooms.  Students should bring all of their school supplies to the Open House on August 14th and they can put their supplies in their lockers at that time.  Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Summers and Mr. Dressel will be available to help students remember/find combinations and locker numbers.

Both parent-student meetings are still scheduled for August 9th. The 5th grade meeting will be at 5 PM and 6th-8th grade meeting will be at 6.  Although the building will be closed, 5th graders will get their locks so they can practice.  For those who cannot attend, I've included several slides below that highlight the main points of the meeting.

Mr. Dressel