Chadron Primary School students have been busy within these first two weeks of school. Students have been reviewing our three Cardinal Rules: 1)Be Safe, 2)Be Respectful, and 3)Be Responsible. We are learning procedures for classrooms as well as safety procedures. Students participated in a bus evacuation drill as well as a fire drill this week and Principal Uhing will be reading a safety book that promotes Avoid, Deny, and Defend as we have lockdown drills scheduled for the upcoming month. Students have been exploring the spaces they may evacuate to in case of emergency evacuations so please visit with your children about the experiences they have had at school. Our hope is that students will take the skills they learn here at Chadron Primary School with them everywhere they go. Students have also taken advantage of the nice weather to explore some Science, and Social Studies outdoors. One class was found learning about plant growth and we are anxious to track the progress of their creations. Thank you for your continued support of Chadron Public Schools.