Homecoming has some changes this year:
Homecoming is right around the corner September 9-13. Here's what the CHS Student Council has planned:
Dress up days Monday- USATuesday- Anything but a backpackWednesday- Dress to ImpressThursday- TwinFriday- Spirit day
The CHS Student Council will have prizes for the best dressed each day. Daily group photos will be posted each day as well.
Homecoming Week Activities
Monday- 6:30pm Coronation in the gym with the burning of the C to follow. (This is a change this year, we are hoping it will allow the royalty some new opportunities.)
Tuesday- 6:00pm The crowned king will announce the starting volleyball lineup for the Cardinals The football jersey auction will follow the volleyball game
Friday- 12:45 Pep rally at the football field 7:00 pm The crowned queen will bring out the kickoff ball at the football game vs Mitchell Half time- royalty and attendants will be announced as usual. 9:00-12:00 Homecoming dance - Theme: Friday the Thirteenth. $6 per person or $10 per couple.
Happy Homecoming week!