Parents ~ Starting January 7, 2021 our new drop off time will begin at 7:50am & end at 8:10am.  Students arriving after 8:10am will be counted tardy. In order to help with this, we ask that you continue to utilize our STOP - DROP and ROLL (stop the vehicle completely without parking or exiting the vehicle yourself), (drop your student off with a quick kiss, hug, and positive encouragement for the day), & (roll on down the road to begin your glorious day).  We have been averaging drop off between 7:50am and 8:10am currently, so we hope this continues as we tighten our allowance time for tardy students. We also appreciate when three or four vehicles pull up and have students exit all at the same time rather than waiting until right at the front door. Another available option would be to drive down Ann street and quickly pull over to the East sidewalk to have your child exit your vehicle and then walk across the crosswalk at the end of our ramp (north end). There is not any traffic or delays on Ann St. so it would provide another option to the ramp which often looks congested. We will continue to have our staggered dismissal times: K-3:05, 1st-3:10pm, & 2nd-3:15pm. Thank you for your understanding & support.
